Our Zine is ready! Here you can read it online. You can find (german) printed versions at Black Mosquito, on trans*fabel, or here if you want to print it yourself. And if you want to contribute something to the next issue, write us!

Here is an overview over the articles:

  1. Irgendwo dazwischen (not translated so far)
  2. Rezension: Nicht-Binäre Figuren in Film & Fernsehen (not translated so far)
  3. du zitterst. (not translated so far)
  4. Genderneutrale Begriffsideen (not translated so far)
  5. What are you into? The BRAVO sexual orientation test
  6. Nicht-Binär und Lesbisch – kein Widerspruch, sondern Widerstand (not translated so far)
  7. Home Is Where Your Class Is (not translated so far)
  8. Slut Talk (not translated so far)
  9. Ich bin menschlich sozialisiert! (not translated so far)
  10. Rosenstrauß (not translated so far)
  11. Fett Manifest (not translated so far)
  12. Public Universal Friend (not translated so far)
  13. Children. Worth the Trouble?
  14. Glossar (not translated so far)
  15. Nachwort (not translated so far)