Our Zine is ready! Here you can read it online. You can find (german) printed versions at Black Mosquito, on trans*fabel, or here if you want to print it yourself. And if you want to contribute something to the next issue, write us!
Here is an overview over the articles:
- Irgendwo dazwischen (not translated so far)
- Rezension: Nicht-Binäre Figuren in Film & Fernsehen (not translated so far)
- du zitterst. (not translated so far)
- Genderneutrale Begriffsideen (not translated so far)
- What are you into? The BRAVO sexual orientation test
- Nicht-Binär und Lesbisch – kein Widerspruch, sondern Widerstand (not translated so far)
- Home Is Where Your Class Is (not translated so far)
- Slut Talk (not translated so far)
- Ich bin menschlich sozialisiert! (not translated so far)
- Rosenstrauß (not translated so far)
- Fett Manifest (not translated so far)
- Public Universal Friend (not translated so far)
- Children. Worth the Trouble?
- Glossar (not translated so far)
- Nachwort (not translated so far)